"""The Evaluator class simplifies the process of running evaluation on a language model provided by a HFDecoderModel instance imported from the lmflow package. The class constructor takes three dictionaries as arguments: model_args containing arguments related to the language model, data_args containing arguments related to the data used for evaluation, and evaluator_args containing other arguments for the evaluation process.
The class has two methods: create_dataloader() that loads the data from the test file, creates a data loader, and returns it with the size of the data, and evaluate(model) that generates output text given input text. It uses the create_dataloader() method to load the data, iterates over the data in mini-batches, and encodes the input text with the encode() method of the HFDecoderModel class. Then, it generates output text using the evaluate() method of the HFDecoderModel class, decodes the generated output text using the decode() method of the HFDecoderModel class, and writes the output to a file in the output directory. The method also logs some information to the console and Weights and Biases if the use_wandb argument is True.
import datetime
import json
import os
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
import wandb
# TODO: remove later
from accelerate import Accelerator
from transformers import AutoConfig
from lmflow.args import (
from lmflow.datasets.dataset import Dataset
from lmflow.pipeline.base_pipeline import BasePipeline
from lmflow.models.hf_decoder_model import HFDecoderModel
from lmflow.utils.data_utils import set_random_seed, batchlize, answer_extraction
from lmflow.utils.versioning import is_deepspeed_available
from lmflow.utils.envs import is_accelerate_env
os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false" # To avoid warnings about parallelism in tokenizers
class Evaluator(BasePipeline):
Initializes the `Evaluator` class with given arguments.
model_args : ModelArguments object.
Contains the arguments required to load the model.
data_args : DatasetArguments object.
Contains the arguments required to load the dataset.
evaluator_args : EvaluatorArguments object.
Contains the arguments required to perform evaluation.
def __init__(
model_args: ModelArguments,
data_args: DatasetArguments,
evaluator_args: EvaluatorArguments,
# our method
self.data_args = data_args
self.evaluator_args = evaluator_args
self.model_args = model_args
# logger
if(self.evaluator_args.use_wandb == True):
# random seed
self.local_rank = int(os.getenv("LOCAL_RANK", "0"))
self.world_size = int(os.getenv("WORLD_SIZE", "1"))
torch.cuda.set_device(self.local_rank) # NOTE: cpu-only machine will have error
if is_accelerate_env():
self.accelerator = Accelerator()
if is_deepspeed_available():
import deepspeed
raise ImportError("Deepspeed is not available, please install using `pip install -e \".[deepspeed]\"`")
self.config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_args.model_name_or_path)
self.model_hidden_size = self.config.hidden_size
print("Error in setting hidden size, use the default size 1024")
self.model_hidden_size = 1024 # gpt2 seems do not have hidden_size in config
print(f"model_hidden_size = {self.model_hidden_size}")
# batch size has to be divisible by world_size, but can be bigger than world_size
train_batch_size = self.evaluator_args.inference_batch_size_per_device * self.world_size
self.evaluator_args.minibatch_size = train_batch_size
self.block_size = evaluator_args.evaluate_block_size
# dataloader, data_size = create_dataloader(args) # load dataset
def create_dataloader(self, dataset: Dataset):
data_dict = dataset.to_dict()
inputs = [ instance["input"] for instance in data_dict["instances"] ]
outputs = [ instance["output"] for instance in data_dict["instances"] ]
dataset_size = len(outputs)
dataset_buf = []
for idx in range(dataset_size):
"input": inputs[idx],
"output": outputs[idx],
"input_idx": idx
dataloader = batchlize(
print(f"Successfully create dataloader with size {len(dataloader)},batch_size {self.evaluator_args.minibatch_size}.")
return dataloader, dataset_size
# TODO: Split for better unittest
def _match(self, predicted_answer, groundtruth, answer_type=None):
case_insensitive_types = [
if answer_type in case_insensitive_types:
return predicted_answer.lower() == groundtruth.lower()
return predicted_answer == groundtruth
return False
def evaluate(
dataset: Dataset,
metric = "accuracy",
Perform Evaluation for a model
model : TunableModel object.
TunableModel to perform inference
dataset : Dataset object.
if metric in ["acc", "accuracy"]:
if is_accelerate_env():
acc = self._evaluate_acc_with_accelerate(model, dataset, verbose=verbose)
acc = self._evaluate_acc_with_deepspeed(model, dataset, verbose=verbose)
print(f"Evaluating final accuracy: {acc}")
return acc
elif metric in ["ppl", "perplexity"]:
ppl = self._evaluate_ppl(model, dataset, verbose=verbose)
print(f"Evaluating final perplexity: {ppl}")
return ppl
elif metric in ["nll", "neg_log_likelihood"]:
nll = self._evaluate_nll(model, dataset, verbose=verbose)
print(f"Evaluating final negative log likelihood: {nll}")
return nll
raise NotImplementedError(f"metric {metric} is not supported")
def _evaluate_acc_with_accelerate(self, model, dataset, verbose=True):
dataloader, data_size = self.create_dataloader(dataset)
if self.accelerator.is_local_main_process:
if not os.path.exists(self.evaluator_args.output_dir):
output_writer = open(f"{self.evaluator_args.output_dir}/evaluation.json", "w")
correct_number_list = []
for batch_index, batch in enumerate(dataloader):
if batch_index * self.world_size >= self.data_args.max_eval_samples:
if self.local_rank*self.evaluator_args.inference_batch_size_per_device >= len(batch):
current_batch = batch[:self.evaluator_args.inference_batch_size_per_device]
current_batch = batch[self.local_rank*self.evaluator_args.inference_batch_size_per_device:(self.local_rank+1)*self.evaluator_args.inference_batch_size_per_device]
prompt_structure = self.evaluator_args.prompt_structure
input = [prompt_structure.format(input=i['input']) for i in current_batch]
output = [i['output'] for i in current_batch]
batch_input = model.encode(input, return_tensors="pt",padding=True).to(self.accelerator.device)
inputs = batch_input['input_ids']
mask = batch_input['attention_mask']
with self.accelerator.autocast():
outputs = model.inference(
text_out = model.decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens=True)
decoded_input = model.decode(inputs, skip_special_tokens=True,)
prompt_length = [len(i) for i in decoded_input]
text_out = [text_out[i][prompt_length[i]:] for i in range(len(text_out))]
answer_type = self.evaluator_args.answer_type
pred_answer = []
for i in text_out:
if verbose:
print(f"batch_index{batch_index} rank{self.local_rank}:\n question={input}\n prediction={text_out}\n")
print(f"predicted answer: {pred_answer} \n")
print(f"groundtruth answer: {output} \n")
if self.local_rank * self.evaluator_args.inference_batch_size_per_device >= len(batch):
correct_ = 0
correct_ = 0
for i in range(len(pred_answer)):
if self._match(pred_answer[i], output[i], answer_type):
correct_ += 1
# collect accuracy from all gpus
all_process = torch.tensor([correct_], dtype=torch.float32, device=self.local_rank)
all_process = self.accelerator.gather(all_process)
correct_ = sum(all_process.tolist())
# collect predictions from all gpus
output_dict = {"question": input,
"prediction": text_out,
"pred_answer": pred_answer,
"answer": output}
if(self.world_size > 1):
all_process_list = [{}] * self.world_size
dist.gather_object(output_dict, all_process_list if dist.get_rank() == 0 else None, dst=0)
all_process_list = [output_dict]
if self.accelerator.is_local_main_process:
current_total = (batch_index+1) * self.world_size * self.evaluator_args.inference_batch_size_per_device
current_accuracy = np.sum(correct_number_list) / current_total if int(current_total) < data_size else np.sum(correct_number_list) / data_size
print(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), f"{int(current_total) if int(current_total) < data_size else data_size} / {data_size} has been finished, # correct = { np.sum(correct_number_list)}, current accuracy = {current_accuracy}")
if(self.evaluator_args.use_wandb == True):
wandb.log({"Accuracy": current_accuracy})
for index, output in enumerate(all_process_list):
output_json = json.dumps(output)
output_writer.write(output_json + '\n')
if self.accelerator.is_local_main_process:
current_accuracy = np.sum(correct_number_list) / data_size
print(f"# Correct = {np.sum(correct_number_list)}, # Total = {data_size}, Final accuracy = ", current_accuracy)
return np.sum(correct_number_list) / data_size
def _evaluate_acc_with_deepspeed(self, model, dataset, verbose=True):
dataloader, data_size = self.create_dataloader(dataset)
if not dist.is_initialized() or dist.get_rank() == 0:
if not os.path.exists(self.evaluator_args.output_dir):
output_writer = open(f"{self.evaluator_args.output_dir}/evaluation.json", "w")
correct_number_list = []
for batch_index, batch in enumerate(dataloader):
if batch_index * self.world_size >= self.data_args.max_eval_samples:
if self.local_rank*self.evaluator_args.inference_batch_size_per_device >= len(batch):
current_batch = batch[:self.evaluator_args.inference_batch_size_per_device]
current_batch = batch[self.local_rank*self.evaluator_args.inference_batch_size_per_device:(self.local_rank+1)*self.evaluator_args.inference_batch_size_per_device]
prompt_structure = self.evaluator_args.prompt_structure
input = [prompt_structure.format(input=i['input']) for i in current_batch]
output = [i['output'] for i in current_batch]
input_idx = [i['input_idx'] for i in current_batch]
batch_input = model.encode(input, return_tensors="pt",padding=True).to(device=self.local_rank)
inputs = batch_input['input_ids']
mask = batch_input['attention_mask']
outputs = model.inference(inputs, max_new_tokens=self.evaluator_args.max_new_tokens, attention_mask=mask,temperature=self.evaluator_args.temperature, repetition_penalty=self.evaluator_args.repetition_penalty)
text_out = model.decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens=True)
# # only return the generation, trucating the input
decoded_input = model.decode(inputs, skip_special_tokens=True,)
prompt_length = [len(i) for i in decoded_input]
text_out = [text_out[i][prompt_length[i]:] for i in range(len(text_out))]
answer_type = self.evaluator_args.answer_type
pred_answer = []
for i in text_out:
if verbose:
print(f"batch_index{batch_index} rank{self.local_rank}:\n question={input}\n prediction={text_out}\n")
print(f"predicted answer: {pred_answer} \n")
print(f"groundtruth answer: {output} \n")
if self.local_rank * self.evaluator_args.inference_batch_size_per_device >= len(batch):
correct_ = 0
correct_ = 0
for i in range(len(pred_answer)):
if self._match(pred_answer[i], output[i], answer_type):
correct_ += 1
# collect accuracy from all gpus
all_process = torch.tensor([correct_], dtype=torch.float32, device=self.local_rank)
dist.all_reduce(all_process, dist.ReduceOp.SUM, async_op=False)
correct_ = all_process.tolist()
# collect predictions from all gpus
output_dict = {"question": input,
"prediction": text_out,
"pred_answer": pred_answer,
"answer": output}
all_process_list = [{}] * self.world_size
dist.gather_object(output_dict, all_process_list if dist.get_rank() == 0 else None, dst=0)
if not dist.is_initialized() or dist.get_rank() == 0:
current_total = (batch_index+1) * self.world_size * self.evaluator_args.inference_batch_size_per_device
current_accuracy = np.sum(correct_number_list) / current_total if int(current_total) < data_size else np.sum(correct_number_list) / data_size
print(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), f"{int(current_total) if int(current_total) < data_size else data_size} / {data_size} has been finished, # correct = { np.sum(correct_number_list)}, current accuracy = {current_accuracy}")
if(self.evaluator_args.use_wandb == True):
wandb.log({"Accuracy": current_accuracy})
for index, output in enumerate(all_process_list):
output_json = json.dumps(output)
output_writer.write(output_json + '\n')
if not dist.is_initialized() or dist.get_rank() == 0:
current_accuracy = np.sum(correct_number_list) / data_size
print(f"# Correct = {np.sum(correct_number_list)}, # Total = {data_size}, Final accuracy = ", current_accuracy)
return np.sum(correct_number_list) / data_size
def _evaluate_ppl(self, model, dataset: Dataset, verbose=True):
data_dict = dataset.to_dict()
if data_dict['type'] == 'text2text':
raise NotImplementedError("ppl evaluation is currently not supported for text2text dataset, please use text_only dataset.")
texts = [ instance["text"] for instance in data_dict["instances"] ]
encodings = model.get_tokenizer()("\n\n".join(texts), return_tensors="pt")
# Define some constant
if self.model_args.truncate_to_model_max_length:
max_length = min(model.get_backend_model().config.n_positions, model.get_max_length())
max_length = min(1024, model.get_max_length())
max_length = self.block_size
if verbose:
print(f"The maximum sequence length : {max_length}")
seq_len = encodings.input_ids.size(1)
nlls = []
prev_end_loc = 0
for begin_loc in range(0, seq_len, self.block_size):
end_loc = min(begin_loc + max_length, seq_len)
trg_len = end_loc - prev_end_loc # may be different from block_size on last loop
input_ids = encodings.input_ids[:, begin_loc:end_loc].to(device=self.local_rank)
target_ids = input_ids.clone()
target_ids[:, :-trg_len] = -100
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = model.get_backend_model()(input_ids, labels=target_ids)
# loss is calculated using CrossEntropyLoss which averages over valid labels
# N.B. the model only calculates loss over trg_len - 1 labels, because it internally shifts the labels
# to the left by 1.
neg_log_likelihood = outputs.loss
prev_end_loc = end_loc
if verbose:
print(f"Evaluating PPL: {int(begin_loc/self.block_size) + 1} / {int(seq_len/self.block_size)} Complete, current ppl : {torch.exp(torch.stack(nlls).mean())}")
if end_loc == seq_len:
ppl = torch.exp(torch.stack(nlls).mean())
return ppl
def _evaluate_nll(
dataset: Dataset,
Evaluates negative log likelihood of the model over a dataset.
NLL = -1/N sum_{i=1}^N sum_{j=1}^|w_i| ln(p(w_{i,j}|context_window)),
where N is the number of data samples, w_{i,j} is the j-th token in
i-th sample. Here "context_window" = p(w_{i,start}, w_{i,start+1}, ...,
p_{i,j-1} with start = max(0, j - window_length + 1). "window_length"
is normally the maximum length accepted by the model.
A float which represents the negative log likelihood.
data_dict = dataset.to_dict()
# Handles prompt structure
if dataset.get_type() == "text2text":
prompt = self.evaluator_args.prompt_structure
data_dict["instances"] = [
"input": prompt.format(input=instance["input"]),
"output": instance["output"]
for instance in data_dict["instances"]
dataset = dataset.from_dict(data_dict)
tokenized_dataset = model.tokenize(dataset, add_special_tokens=False)
tokenized_dataset = tokenized_dataset.get_backend_dataset()
encoding_list = [
"input_ids": torch.tensor([input_ids]),
"labels": torch.tensor([labels]),
for input_ids, labels in zip(tokenized_dataset["input_ids"],
# Gets context window length
max_length = min(model.get_backend_model().config.n_positions,
max_length = min(1024, model.get_max_length())
nlls = []
full_nlls = []
num_samples = len(encoding_list)
for sample_idx, encodings in enumerate(encoding_list):
seq_len = encodings["input_ids"].size(1)
prev_end_loc = 0
for begin_loc in range(0, seq_len, self.block_size):
end_loc = min(begin_loc + max_length, seq_len)
# may be different from block_size on last loop
trg_len = end_loc - prev_end_loc
input_ids = encodings["input_ids"][:, begin_loc:end_loc]
input_ids = input_ids.to(device=self.local_rank)
labels = encodings["labels"][:, begin_loc:end_loc]
target_ids = labels.clone()
full_target_ids = input_ids.clone()
def get_nll(label_ids, nll_list):
label_ids[:, :-trg_len] = -100
label_ids = label_ids.to(device=self.local_rank)
# Valid labels are from 0 to `vocab_size`
num_valid_labels = torch.count_nonzero(label_ids >= 0)
if label_ids[0, 0] != -100:
num_valid_labels -= 1
if not torch.all(label_ids == -100):
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = model.get_backend_model()(
input_ids, labels=label_ids
# loss is calculated using CrossEntropyLoss which
# sums over valid labels N.B. the model only
# calculates loss over trg_len - 1 labels, because
# it internally shifts the labels to the left by 1.
neg_log_likelihood = outputs.loss * num_valid_labels
neg_log_likelihood = torch.zeros([]).to(
get_nll(target_ids, nlls)
get_nll(full_target_ids, full_nlls)
current_output_nll = torch.stack(nlls).sum() / (sample_idx + 1)
current_full_nll = torch.stack(full_nlls).sum() / (sample_idx + 1)
prev_end_loc = end_loc
if verbose:
if dataset.get_type() == "text_only":
f"Evaluating negative log likelihood:"
f" {sample_idx + 1} / {num_samples} Complete,"
f" current nll: {current_full_nll}"
elif dataset.get_type() == "text2text":
f"Evaluating negative log likelihood:"
f" {sample_idx + 1} / {num_samples} Complete,"
f" current full nll / input nll / output nll:"
f" {current_full_nll} /"
f" {current_full_nll - current_output_nll} /"
f" {current_output_nll}"
raise NotImplementedError(
"f{dataset.get_type()} typed datasets are not"
" supported"
if end_loc == seq_len:
mean_nll = torch.stack(nlls).sum() / num_samples
return mean_nll