Source code for lmflow.utils.conversation_template.deepseek
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2024 Statistics and Machine Learning Research Group. All rights reserved.
from .base import StringFormatter, TemplateComponent, ConversationTemplate
DEEPSEEK_V2_TEMPLATE = ConversationTemplate(
TemplateComponent(type='string', content='User: {{content}}\n\n')
TemplateComponent(type='string', content='Assistant: {{content}}'),
TemplateComponent(type='token', content='eos_token')
TemplateComponent(type='string', content='{{content}}\n\n')
special_starter=TemplateComponent(type='token', content='bos_token')
"{% if not add_generation_prompt is defined %}"
"{% set add_generation_prompt = false %}"
"{% endif %}"
"{% set ns = namespace(is_first=false, is_tool=false, is_output_first=true, system_prompt='', is_first_sp=true) %}"
"{%- for message in messages %}"
"{%- if message['role'] == 'system' %}"
"{%- if ns.is_first_sp %}"
"{% set ns.system_prompt = ns.system_prompt + message['content'] %}"
"{% set ns.is_first_sp = false %}"
"{%- else %}"
"{% set ns.system_prompt = ns.system_prompt + '\n\n' + message['content'] %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- endfor %}"
"{%- for message in messages %}"
"{%- if message['role'] == 'user' %}"
"{%- set ns.is_tool = false -%}"
"{{'<|User|>' + message['content']}}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- if message['role'] == 'assistant' and message['content'] is none %}"
"{%- set ns.is_tool = false -%}"
"{%- for tool in message['tool_calls']%}"
"{%- if not ns.is_first %}"
"{% generation %}"
"{{'<|tool▁calls▁begin|><|tool▁call▁begin|>' + tool['type'] + '<|tool▁sep|>' + tool['function']['name'] + '\n' + '```json' + '\n' + tool['function']['arguments'] + '\n' + '```' + '<|tool▁call▁end|>'}}"
"{% endgeneration %}"
"{%- set ns.is_first = true -%}"
"{%- else %}"
"{% generation %}"
"{{'\n' + '<|tool▁call▁begin|>' + tool['type'] + '<|tool▁sep|>' + tool['function']['name'] + '\n' + '```json' + '\n' + tool['function']['arguments'] + '\n' + '```' + '<|tool▁call▁end|>'}}"
"{% endgeneration %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- endfor %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- if message['role'] == 'assistant' and message['content'] is not none %}"
"{%- if ns.is_tool %}"
"{% generation %}"
"{{ message['content'] + '<|end▁of▁sentence|>'}}"
"{%- set ns.is_tool = false -%}"
"{% endgeneration %}"
"{%- else %}"
"{% generation %}"
"{{ message['content'] + '<|end▁of▁sentence|>'}}"
"{% endgeneration %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- if message['role'] == 'tool' %}"
"{%- set ns.is_tool = true -%}"
"{%- if ns.is_output_first %}"
"{{'<|tool▁outputs▁begin|><|tool▁output▁begin|>' + message['content'] + '<|tool▁output▁end|>'}}"
"{%- set ns.is_output_first = false %}"
"{%- else %}"
"{{'\n<|tool▁output▁begin|>' + message['content'] + '<|tool▁output▁end|>'}}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- endfor -%}"
"{% if ns.is_tool %}"
"{% endif %}"
"{% if add_generation_prompt and not ns.is_tool %}"
"{% endif %}"
"{% if not add_generation_prompt is defined %}"
"{% set add_generation_prompt = false %}"
"{% endif %}"
"{% set ns = namespace(is_first=false, is_tool=false, is_output_first=true, system_prompt='', is_first_sp=true) %}"
"{%- for message in messages %}"
"{%- if message['role'] == 'system' %}"
"{%- if ns.is_first_sp %}"
"{% set ns.system_prompt = ns.system_prompt + message['content'] %}"
"{% set ns.is_first_sp = false %}"
"{%- else %}"
"{% set ns.system_prompt = ns.system_prompt + '\\n\\n' + message['content'] %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- endfor %}"
"{{ bos_token }}"
"{{ ns.system_prompt }}"
"{%- for message in messages %}"
"{%- if message['role'] == 'user' %}"
"{%- set ns.is_tool = false -%}"
"{{'<|User|>' + message['content']}}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- if message['role'] == 'assistant' and 'tool_calls' in message %}"
"{%- set ns.is_tool = false -%}"
"{%- for tool in message['tool_calls'] %}"
"{%- if not ns.is_first %}"
"{%- if message['content'] is none %}"
" {{'<|Assistant|>'}}"
" {% generation %}"
" {{'<|tool▁calls▁begin|><|tool▁call▁begin|>' + tool['type'] + '<|tool▁sep|>' + tool['function']['name'] + '\\n' + '```json' + '\\n' + tool['function']['arguments'] + '\\n' + '```' + '<|tool▁call▁end|>'}}"
" {% endgeneration %}"
"{%- else %}"
" {{'<|Assistant|>'}}"
" {% generation %}"
" {{ message['content'] + '<|tool▁calls▁begin|><|tool▁call▁begin|>' + tool['type'] + '<|tool▁sep|>' + tool['function']['name'] + '\\n' + '```json' + '\\n' + tool['function']['arguments'] + '\\n' + '```' + '<|tool▁call▁end|>'}}"
" {% endgeneration %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- set ns.is_first = true -%}"
"{%- else %}"
"{% generation %}"
"{{'\\n' + '<|tool▁call▁begin|>' + tool['type'] + '<|tool▁sep|>' + tool['function']['name'] + '\\n' + '```json' + '\\n' + tool['function']['arguments'] + '\\n' + '```' + '<|tool▁call▁end|>'}}"
"{% endgeneration %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- endfor %}"
"{% generation %}"
"{% endgeneration %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- if message['role'] == 'assistant' and 'tool_calls' not in message %}"
"{%- if ns.is_tool %}"
"{% generation %}"
"{{ message['content'] + '<|end▁of▁sentence|>'}}"
"{% endgeneration %}"
"{%- set ns.is_tool = false -%}"
"{%- else %}"
"{% set content = message['content'] %}"
"{% if '</think>' in content %}"
"{% set content = content.split('</think>')[-1] %}"
"{% endif %}"
"{% generation %}"
"{{ content + '<|end▁of▁sentence|>'}}"
"{% endgeneration %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- if message['role'] == 'tool' %}"
"{%- set ns.is_tool = true -%}"
"{%- if ns.is_output_first %}"
"{{'<|tool▁outputs▁begin|><|tool▁output▁begin|>' + message['content'] + '<|tool▁output▁end|>'}}"
"{%- set ns.is_output_first = false %}"
"{%- else %}"
"{{'<|tool▁output▁begin|>' + message['content'] + '<|tool▁output▁end|>'}}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- endfor -%}"
"{% if ns.is_tool %}"
"{% endif %}"
"{% if add_generation_prompt and not ns.is_tool %}"
"{% endif %}"
"{% if not add_generation_prompt is defined %}"
"{% set add_generation_prompt = false %}"
"{% endif %}"
"{% set ns = namespace(is_first=false, is_tool=false, is_output_first=true, system_prompt='') %}"
"{%- for message in messages %}"
"{%- if message['role'] == 'system' %}"
"{% set ns.system_prompt = message['content'] %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- endfor %}"
"{%- for message in messages %}"
"{%- if message['role'] == 'user' %}"
"{%- set ns.is_tool = false -%}"
"{{'<|User|>' + message['content']}}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- if message['role'] == 'assistant' and message['content'] is none %}"
"{%- set ns.is_tool = false -%}"
"{%- for tool in message['tool_calls']%}"
"{%- if not ns.is_first %}"
"{% generation %}"
"{{'<|tool▁calls▁begin|><|tool▁call▁begin|>' + tool['type'] + '<|tool▁sep|>' + tool['function']['name'] + '\\n' + '```json' + '\\n' + tool['function']['arguments'] + '\\n' + '```' + '<|tool▁call▁end|>'}}"
"{% endgeneration %}"
"{%- set ns.is_first = true -%}"
"{%- else %}"
"{% generation %}"
"{{'\\n' + '<|tool▁call▁begin|>' + tool['type'] + '<|tool▁sep|>' + tool['function']['name'] + '\\n' + '```json' + '\\n' + tool['function']['arguments'] + '\\n' + '```' + '<|tool▁call▁end|>'}}"
"{% endgeneration %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- endfor %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- if message['role'] == 'assistant' and message['content'] is not none %}"
"{%- if ns.is_tool %}"
"{% generation %}"
"{{ message['content'] + '<|end▁of▁sentence|>'}}"
"{% endgeneration %}"
"{%- set ns.is_tool = false -%}"
"{%- else %}"
"{% set content = message['content'] %}"
"{% if '</think>' in content %}"
"{% set content = content.split('</think>')[-1] %}"
"{% endif %}"
"{% generation %}"
"{{ content + '<|end▁of▁sentence|>'}}"
"{% endgeneration %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- if message['role'] == 'tool' %}"
"{%- set ns.is_tool = true -%}"
"{%- if ns.is_output_first %}"
"{{'<|tool▁outputs▁begin|><|tool▁output▁begin|>' + message['content'] + '<|tool▁output▁end|>'}}"
"{%- set ns.is_output_first = false %}"
"{%- else %}"
"{{'\\n<|tool▁output▁begin|>' + message['content'] + '<|tool▁output▁end|>'}}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- endif %}"
"{%- endfor -%}"
"{% if ns.is_tool %}"
"{% endif %}"
"{% if add_generation_prompt and not ns.is_tool %}"
"{% endif %}"