Source code for lmflow.utils.data_utils

"""The program includes several functions: setting a random seed, 
loading data from a JSON file, batching data, and extracting answers from generated text.

import json
import os
import random
import re
from typing import Union, List, TypedDict, Dict

import numpy as np
import torch

[docs] def set_random_seed(seed: int): """ Set the random seed for `random`, `numpy`, `torch`, `torch.cuda`. Parameters ------------ seed : int The default seed. """ random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed)
[docs] def load_data(file_name: str): """ Load data with file name. Parameters ------------ file_name : str. The dataset file name. Returns ------------ inputs : list. The input texts of the dataset. outputs : list. The output texts file datasets. len : int. The length of the dataset. """ inputs = [] outputs = [] type = "" with open(file_name, encoding='utf-8') as f: json_data = json.load(f) type = json_data["type"] for line in json_data["instances"]: inputs.append(line["input"]) outputs.append(line["output"]) print(f"load dataset {file_name} success.\n") print(f"Type : {type}, datasize : {len(outputs)}") return inputs, outputs, len(outputs)
[docs] def batchlize(examples: list, batch_size: int, random_shuffle: bool): """ Convert examples to a dataloader. Parameters ------------ examples : list. Data list. batch_size : int. random_shuffle : bool If true, the dataloader shuffle the training data. Returns ------------ dataloader: Dataloader with batch generator. """ size = 0 dataloader = [] length = len(examples) if (random_shuffle): random.shuffle(examples) while size < length: if length - size > batch_size: dataloader.append(examples[size : size+batch_size]) size += batch_size else: dataloader.append(examples[size : size+(length-size)]) size += (length - size) return dataloader
[docs] def read_last_n_lines_large_file(file_path: str, n: int = 10) -> List[str]: with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:, os.SEEK_END) buffer = bytearray() pointer = f.tell() while pointer >= 0 and len(buffer.splitlines()) <= n: read_byte = buffer.extend(read_byte) pointer -= 1 return buffer[::-1].decode('utf-8').splitlines()[-n:]
[docs] def read_first_n_lines_large_file(file_path: str, n: int = 10) -> List[str]: with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: lines = [] for i in range(n): line = f.readline() if not line: break lines.append(line.decode('utf-8').strip()) return lines
[docs] def get_dataset_type_fast(file_path: str, max_lines: int = 100) -> Union[str, None]: '''Get the type values from the first and last n lines of a large json dataset. ''' lines = [] dataset_type = None dataset_type_pattern = re.compile(r'[\"\']type[\"\']:\s*[\'\"]([^"]+)[\'\"]') lines.extend(read_first_n_lines_large_file(file_path, max_lines)) lines.extend(read_last_n_lines_large_file(file_path, max_lines)) for line in lines: try: dataset_type = break except AttributeError: continue return dataset_type
[docs] def check_dataset_instances_key_fast(file_path: str, instances_key: str, max_lines: int = 100) -> bool: '''Check if the dataset instances key matches the instance_key. ''' lines = [] instance_key_pattern = re.compile(r'[\"\']' + instances_key + r'[\"\']') lines.extend(read_first_n_lines_large_file(file_path, max_lines)) lines.extend(read_last_n_lines_large_file(file_path, max_lines)) for line in lines: if return True return False
[docs] def answer_extraction(response, answer_type=None): #use this funtion to extract answers from generated text """ Use this funtion to extract answers from generated text Parameters ------------ args : Arguments. response : str plain string response. Returns ------------ answer: Decoded answer (such as A, B, C, D, E for mutiple-choice QA). """ # temp = response["generated_text"] temp = response if answer_type in ("gsm8k", "svamp", "asdiv", "addsub", "singleeq", "multiarith", "math"): temp = temp.replace(",", "") temp = [s for s in re.findall(r'-?\d+\.?\d*', temp)] elif answer_type in ("aqua", "csqa", "multiple_choice"): temp = re.findall(r'A|B|C|D|E', temp) elif answer_type in ("strategyqa", "coin_flip"): temp = temp.lower() temp = re.sub("\"|\'|\n|\.|\s|\:|\,"," ", temp) temp = temp.split(" ") temp = [i for i in temp if i in ("yes", "no")] elif answer_type in ("last_letters"): temp = re.sub("\"|\'|\n|\.|\s","", temp) temp = [temp] elif answer_type in ("pubmedqa", "binary_choice"): # pattern = "Output: (yes|no|maybe)" # sttr =, temp) # answer =[8:] if sttr is not None else "N/A" pattern = "(answer|Answer|ANSWER|output|Output|OUTPUT|A): \(*(yes|Yes|YES|no|No|NO|maybe|Maybe|MAYBE)" sttr =, temp) if sttr is not None: mid_answer = mid_answer = mid_answer.split(":")[-1].strip() answer = mid_answer.lower() else: pattern = "(yes|Yes|YES|no|No|NO|maybe|Maybe|MAYBE)(\.|\s)" sttr =, temp) if sttr is not None: answer =[:-1].lower() else: answer = "N/A" return answer elif answer_type == "medmcqa": # pattern = "Output: (A|B|C|D)." # sttr =, temp) # answer =[8:-1].lower() if sttr is not None else "N/A" pattern = "(answer|Answer|ANSWER|output|Output|OUTPUT|A): \(*(A|B|C|D|a|b|c|d)" sttr =, temp) if sttr is not None: mid_answer = answer = mid_answer[-1].lower() else: pattern = "\(*(A|B|C|D|a|b|c|d)\)*(\.|\s)" sttr =, temp) if sttr is not None: if '(' in answer =[1].lower() else: answer =[0].lower() else: answer = "N/A" return answer elif answer_type == "usmle": # pattern = "Output: (A|B|C|D)." # sttr =, temp) # answer =[8:-1].lower() if sttr is not None else "N/A" pattern = "(Answer|Output|A): \(*(A|B|C|D|a|b|c|d)" sttr =, temp) if sttr is not None: mid_answer = answer = mid_answer[-1].lower() else: pattern = "\(*(A|B|C|D|a|b|c|d)\)*(\.|\s)" sttr =, temp) if sttr is not None: if '(' in answer =[1].lower() else: answer =[0].lower() else: answer = "N/A" return answer elif answer_type == "text": return response else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported answer type: {answer_type}") if len(temp) != 0: answer = temp[-1] # if there is . at the end of answer, remove it # e.g. answer = 64. if answer != "": if answer[-1] == ".": answer = answer[:-1] # round the answer to nearest integer if answer_type in ("gsm8k", "svamp"): try: answer = str(round(float(answer))) except: answer = "" # no sol or sol doesn't have valid format elif answer_type in ("last_letters"): try: answer = answer[-args.concat_length:] except: answer = "" else: answer = "" return answer
[docs] def process_image_flag(text, image_flag="<ImageHere>"): texts = text.split(image_flag) if len(texts) > 1: image_token_indexes = [len(text) for text in texts[:-1]] else: image_token_indexes = [] # cumsun image_token_indexes = list(np.cumsum(image_token_indexes)) texts = "".join(texts) return texts, image_token_indexes
[docs] class VLLMInferenceResultWithInput(TypedDict):
[docs] input: str
[docs] output: Union[List[str], List[List[int]]]
[docs] class RewardModelInferenceResultWithInput(TypedDict):
[docs] input: str
[docs] output: List[Dict[str, Union[str, float]]] # [{"score": 0.5, "text": "output text"}]