We've released our memory-efficient finetuning algorithm LISA, check out [Paper][User Guide] for more details!


In general, you can directly load from checkpoints by using --model_name_or_path. However, the LLaMA case is slightly different due to the copyright issue.

LLaMA Checkpoint#

  1. First, you need to get the access of LLaMA model from facebookresearch/llama. Download the official checkpoints and save them into ${llama-path}.

  2. Second, convert the official checkpoints ${llama-path} to HuggingFace supported checkpoints ${llama-hf-path} by running

    python ./scripts/convert_llama_weights_to_hf.py --input_dir ${llama-path} --model_size 7B --output_dir ${llama-hf-path}/llama-7b-hf

  3. Then you are good to go by setting the checkpoint path to ${llama-hf-path}/llama-7b-hf. Enjoy it!

  4. (optional) Now you have the original llama-7b-hf pretrained model. With

cd output_models && ./download.sh all && cd -

You can obtain the model difference finetuned by ours. By a way similar to ./scripts/run_evaluation_with_lora.sh,

    deepspeed examples/evaluate.py \
    --answer_type text \
    --model_name_or_path ${llama-hf-path}/llama-7b-hf \
    --lora_model_path output_models/${llama-model-diff-path} \
    --dataset_path data/alpaca/test \
    --prompt_structure "Input: {input}" \
    --deepspeed examples/ds_config.json

You can now evaluate with the finetuned llama model.